Business Loan In Chennai
The Best Business Loan in Chennai is offered by KFIS . You can apply for unsecured business loans and get it approved in 72 hours with no collateral required.
So bid goodbye to your worries of arranging an expensive collateral like a property, gold or any other expensive thing, and focus on your business.
Focus on the fact that your application is an online And Offline based process and you don’t need to personally visit the bank for anything.
We have an easy documentation process and instant approval to help you get a Business Loan with ease and convenience.
MSME Business Loan In Chennai
It allows you to avail fast loans like MSME Business Loan In Chennai, Tamilnadu without having any security or collateral and approval within 72 hrs by simple documentation because banks will consider only business creditworthy without need of any collateral.
MSME loan is applicable for every entrepreneur who were into business in the city of chennai located in Tamilnadu without any collateral.
As an MSME owner you may think sometimes, Is there any option for me to access loans easily from banks? Well, yes if you are looking for capital financing by leveraging your business general creditworthiness instead of having assets and machinery as a security then there is good news waiting for you.
Unsecured Business Loan in Chennai
KFIS offers unsecured business loans in chennai Tamilnadu without collateral within short duration and flexibility by providing funds for business within 48 working hours.
Unsecured loans are the capital funds which are utilized for business expansion and gilling working capital gap or to meet out the day to day business expenses such as raw material purchase, meet out the tenders and more.
It is a Solution for working capital requirements in Chennai and all over Tamilnadu provided Unsecured Business loan without collateral, a finance with flexible repayment terms, provided in quick processing time within 3 business days.
For every business facing working capital needs are difficult, but sometimes it is easier by approaching a lump sum capital of an unsecured business loans by the help of KFIS experts.
What is the eligibility criteria to obtain an unsecured business loans?
- The business must be stable for at least 24 months
- The minimum age of applicant is 18 and maximum 65
- The cibil score must be more than 700
- The minimum monthly average GST sales must be 20Lakhs ( max infinity)
- The constitution of the company must be a proprietorship, partnership, private limited company, OPC company or a limited company
The documentation required for unsecured business loans
- KYC of the company such as registration of firm
- KYC of the promoter such as proof of valid identity and address
- The business operative bank statement for last 12 months
- The monthly GST sales returns
- The last 2 years Income Tax returns
Who can get Business Loan with KFIS?
- Professional Doctors
- Clinics & hospitals
- Engineers, Architects, Chartered Accountants
- Manufacturers of All sectors
- Factory & Industries
- Traders in All industries
- Project contractors
- Suppliers
- Distributors & Dealers
- Wholesalers & Retailers
- Super markets
- Showrooms
- Boutiques
- Hotels & Restaurants
- Pharmacy
- Schools & Colleges ( Trusts/Societies)
- Business Consultants
- Supply Chain & Logistics
- Transport contractors
- Information Technology (IT companies)
Benefits of Business Loans with KFIS
Business Loan approval Instantly
The loan approval is possible within 72 business hours by following the procedure given by the experienced personal form KFIS by uploading with faster business informative documents.
Simple Documentation
Coming to the documentation part the requirements of documents are simple and easy with minimizing the income documents by the guidance of KFIS experts.
No Collateral
The business loans are completely unsecured without any collateral and secured with income strength of a strategic business.
FAQ of Business Loans
What is a business loan and how can I get it?
A business loan is a loan which is offered without collateral and purely unsecured for operating a business with running capital. To get a business loan you can approach KFIS experts and follow their guidance properly.
Can I get a business loan without any security?
Sure, you will get your business loans without any collateral. Because the business loans are provided only based on the annual revenue and income of a business by considering the monthly volume of GST sales.
Do I get unsecured business loans based on GST returns?
Ofcourse, you can get your unsecured business loans based on your monthly GST sales volume with zero collateral. The minimum monthly volume of GST sales starts from 20 Lakhs required.
What is the procedure to get an MSME business loan?
The step by step procedure to avail MSME business loans are provided with proper guidance by our KFIS experts who are servicing more than 20 years in MSME consultation.
Can I unsecured business loan based on my bank account statement?
Yes, it’s possible to get your unsecured business loan based on your bank statements by arriving at your minimum average balance and the business credits.