Home Loan & Finance
Best Home Loan In Tamil Nadu
Buying a new home is a dream for each and every human. It is also an investment for the People who are planning to save for their future. So the best home loan in tamil nadu is now available easily and quickly in all banks and non-banks. The home buyers may have confusion in finding the right choice of finance. We KFIS guide our customer in the right path to choose the right one and enjoy the lowest interest rate.
Most people don’t have time to search for the right bank to avail home loans at lowest rates and highest finance amount. Our company KFIS experience team supports our customer to get the right home-loan at the right time and make our customer happy and satisfactory. More than 2K customers are enjoyed our home loan Tamil Nadu

Each and every earning person in a family can be eligible to get housing finance
We provide tailor made solutions to our customers who are in search of a suitable property. Home
In our company KFIS the home loan services are customized and also supported in finding a property with fast appreciation
Housing Finance In Chennai
The home loans requirements are different . The major home loan needs for
Need 1: Buy a new approved layout land, Individual vacant land either residential or commercial Land
Need 2: Construction of individual house and renovation of independent house
Need 3: Buying Flats, Apartments, Villa, Pent house builder floor under construction or ready to occupy
Need 4: Buying resale property individual or apartment
Need 5: Buying commercial property, Construction, Renovation and infrastructure cost
Need 6: NRI Home loan tamil nadu
Need 7: Balance Transfer and additional top of home loan.
Need 8: Commercial Land and Industrial Land can also eligible for purchase loan
Need 9: The Commercial building construction and Industrial building construction can be estimated and funded as project upto 100% funding possible.
Home Loans BT & TOPUP
Balance transfer and Top up of home loan is an additional option to make more flexible in current available loan. The outstanding principle must be transferred to another bank and there are chances to get more loan amount.
- BT- means Balance Transfer which is the take over of existing home loans from an existing bank to another bank
- Balance Transfer is an option for customer to reduce rate of interest and increase loan amount
- Top Up refers to additional loan amount which can added on current date principle amount from current bank

Eligibility criteria for Self-Employed
- Income documents for last 3 years ( Loan amount below 30L not necessary)
- GST Sales monthly return for 12 months
- Business current and savings account for last 12 months
- KYC of Applicant and Co Applicant
- For a Salaried customer
- Monthly payslips for 6 months
- Last 12 months bank statement
- Employemnet proofs
- KYC of Applicant & Co Applicant
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Home Loan EMI Calculator
Send us a message
- No 16, Kalaimagal Nagar, 1st Main Road, Ekkaduthangal, Chennai - 600032
- +91 8939000056
- kfisenquiry@gmail.com